Organized by:
The Institute of Hellenic Culture and the Liberal Arts – The American College of Greece
Georgia Giannakopoulou
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Deree – The American College of Greece
About the seminar:
Based on Building Modern Antiquity – Hymns and Laments for Athens (Georgia Giannakopoulou, Routledge, Taylor & Francis 2025), and grounded on Nietzsche’s critique of metropolitan modernity, this paper introduces modern antiquity as the hidden element in the dialectic between the past and the present. In briefly surveying the centuries-long battles between the ancients and the moderns that gradually highlighted Periclean Athens as the “golden century” with which many moderns compared and contrasted their present, the paper highlights the mutilation of antiquity for the glorification of a socially-constructed image of the past that served the interests of European capitalist metropolitan modernity.
After the seminar, refreshments and light snacks will be offered.
The seminar can also be attended via Zoom. The link will be provided on the day of the event and sent via email to those opting for online participation.
For more information, please contact us at